“Replacing journalism with click bait farms in order to monetise advertising” sounds awful and horrible. I recently read a doctorow piece on the destructive nature of money men and the ‘bust out’ and this sounds like just that kind of thing. I’m so sorry.

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"I want to make more enemies than friends," Hel's Holiest of Bells, Lin, the whole reason I had to change majors was because the head of the local newspaper blackballed me and told the Dean "either he changes majors or he needs to be expelled." (that was 20+ years ago)

I knew there was a reason I liked you!

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Hot dang just about everything you write fires me up one way or another.

Jim Spanefeller will not see heaven

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This was such a good read! Your ambition and talent is really clear through your writing, and I look forward to reading even more.

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